vintage twitter background Pictures, Images and Photos
The DIVA ♥

KL, Malaysia.
If you think you know me, read my blog and think again.
I'm imperfect and I'm Lovin' It.


I love pink.
I love stars.
I love flowers and rainbows and pretty cute stuff.
I love travelling, parties,
camwhoring. soft toys.
and dresses.
That's coz...
I'm a girl.
And a cute one too. ;)


Exercise more.
Make me grow taller.
Travel around the world.
Wisdom, Knowledge & Talent.
Be Smarter & Better at work.
Learning to say no.
Beauty & Fortune.
More Sleep Time.
Learn to Chill.


I dislike annoying people.
I dislike being slow.
I dislike dirty kitchens and being late and making life changing decisions :(



Cze Cze
Pei Mei
Kenny Sia
Xia Xue
Uncle Philip
Sophie Black
Eating Asia


September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
April 2011
May 2011
July 2011
August 2011
September 2011
October 2011
November 2011


Header Photo courtney_meowxx

March 31, 2009 @ 10:14 AM

Was re-watching the first few seasons of Smallville, and surprisingly, the anticipation and excitement of watching the series is not there anymore.

Back than, I never thought that Lana Lang was such a disaster magnet that needs "saving" every now and than. Guess that's what attracted Clark Kent to her... To use his newly found powers to save the damsel in distress... (@_@)" WTF!

But I will continue to watch Smallville... just to see if Lana Lang is still such a damsel in distress after so many seasons/episodes :p

And to see the changes in the characters from this.... To this... hmm... from "bak chang" outfits to sexy outfits for the girls anyway...

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March 28, 2009 @ 10:02 PM


Last year during my birthday, Jason made me a Tiramisu cake... And this year during his birthday....
He had F.O.U.R. birthday cakes! Sadly non of it are from me... thanks to my limited cooking/baking skills... :p

It was Earth Hour as well, and before heading over to Jason's place, I was SS-ing about asking him to switch off his lights at 8.30pm, and I TOTALLY forgot about it until I got home! haha... Guess I'm not such an environmental friendly person after all!

The birthday celebration was supposed to be a B.Y.O. BBQ... and it ended up more like potluck instead. The pathetic amount of food that Tien and I bought was ermmm... well just forget about it... hahah

The party was not too bad; and with a great passion for beer, our dear host/birthday boy provided us with free flow self brewed beer the whole night long! THANK YOU BIRTHDAY BOY! Jason was kinda drunk at the end of the night, and ended with photos like this...


Some of the photos taken during the BBQ Birthday celebration


March 22, 2009 @ 2:26 PM

Immy and Gary is not coming to Brizzy anymore... Hence, there goes my supposedly "Easter plan"...

Hui Xin is thinking of visiting Brizzy either during Easter or June, gotta pray hard and hope she's coming during Easter!! Boy, miss my lao gong so much!

Haven't been doing much these few days except feeling emo, stressed out about my future and not in the mood to work on my assessments... But now I'm "recovered" I hope. Back to loving my favorite color PINK instead of BLUE! :p


Well, my current wallet is kinda in shambles right now, and I think it won't last me until end of this year... *ahem* hint hint... :p

But anyway was surfing around the internet looking for wallets and found this amazing brand called Poketo that designs limited edition art products, accessories, apparel and decor. The range of apparels they have on their website is just so cool and wonderful!

Though beautiful as it seem, the variety of wallets they have are more decorative rather than functional. But still, it looks so damn beautiful... :)

And my search for functional and beautiful wallets continues...


March 15, 2009 @ 5:28 PM






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March 8, 2009 @ 8:01 PM

You know you are not getting any younger when...
  1. People start calling you MADAM... WTF
  2. You rather stay home than go party
  3. Your grandmother brings out her old jewelery and tells you that it is for your wedding... swt
  4. More and more friends are engaged
  5. More and more friends are married
  6. Your friend's kids start calling you AUNTIE... ish...
  7. People mistook you for part of a married couple even though you are not! arrghhh...
  8. Friends start to bitch about their work life
  9. Everyone seems to be more and more preoccupied with their own lives
  10. You realized that you start to have wrinkles!


March 5, 2009 @ 11:00 PM

Three months summer holiday just flew by, Autumn has officially started and so has classes... BUT... I still do not feel the "study" mood kicking in yet.

What have I done through out the three months? All I can say was I did A LOT!

I spend two GREAT months in New Zealand, met so many fantastic new people that filled up my supposedly "boring" New Zealand "work" months... These guys were just AMAZING, and I enjoyed my Kiwi experience VERY MUCH!

Traveling to Rotorua with sis was also another memorable incident.... Loosing our way together while driving there, doing the Zorb togather, going for the mud and sulfur spa that totally spoiled our hair... BUT... our sisterly bonding had never been better.

South Island was an adventure. From visiting the Simpson's Doughnut to Sky Diving, from Jet Boating to Cam-Whoring at the Art Gallery. We sure had fun driving, arguing and cam-whoring, And at the same time, GETTING SICK... Argghhh... Thanks to my sister for bringing the virus all the way from Sydney!

Leaving New Zealand after spending two fantastic months there was very hard for me... BUT this means I'm going home to Malaysia! Home Sweet Home... :) Everything back home seems so familiar, yet distant and unknown. But it was fun because I get to see my family and friends!

I also brought some Brizzy people to Penang for a Food and Temple Trip! :) Being a tour guide is so hard especially when you have a critique as your "customer" (Lee Mei Tien!)

Vietnam was also another place i visited during the three months holiday. Of all the places I've been to, Vietnam is definitely one of the most "ulu", I can say that its 20 years behind Malaysia! The lawlessness of its traffic system is really eye opening... However, I really had fun with my parents, and I think this will be one of the last few all paid expenses holidays with the parents... :(

Aww... Three months just went by so quickly... back to reality, back to studies and back to Brisbane...
PLEASE study mood... PLEASE come back!

PS... My sister and Gary is coming to Brizzy for Easter! Woohoo!

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